Logo of Diversity Arts Culture

Who we are.

Berlin’s cultural sector is not nearly as diverse as the city of Berlin and it’s time to change that!


Diversity Arts Culture is a design and consultation office for diversity development in the cultural sector.


We aim to make arts and culture accessible to all and to break down barriers, so that we can bring exciting art from diverse perspectives to the cultural sector.

16.07.2024 - Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung

Qual der Wahl?

15.07.2024 - TAK (Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg)

FAIRSTAGE-Arbeitstag „Beteiligung umsetzen: Grundlagen und Tools“


Services for Institutions

A Critical Approach to Discrimination in Cultural Work

Much is happening in Berlin’s cultural sector. Increasingly art and cultural institutions are responding to societal debates about diversity and equal opportunity. We support institutions in their process of becoming more diverse. You can learn more about how we can support you in this process here.

Services for Institutions

The Boundaries of Boundlessness

Power Structures, Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Film, Television and Performing Arts Industries
Data and Facts

behindert werden

[bəˈhɪndərt ve:ɐ̯dn̩]

Die Formulierung behindert werden macht deutlich, dass Menschen nicht aufgrund ihrer individuellen Körper behindert SIND, sondern durch Barrieren und gesellschaftliche Ausschlüsse behindert WERDEN.



Ein Kurzfilm